“Our Government” Turning on Americans

Those who are joining the tea party movement have one goal in common,we are  Americans reclaiming our power.

But our own government cannot allow us to retake our power from them, so they blame others for misleading us and not knowing what is best for us!

“Angry mobs of rabid right-wing extremists.”
Brad Woodhouse, Democrat National Committee

“….manufactured anger.
Robert Gibbs, White House spokesman

“experts at fake grassroots campaigns that promote corporate interests.”
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC

“oil industry and Republican operative millionaires’ club
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC

This is the year 2009.  Our country is the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Our country is the champion of liberty and individual rights.  Our country celebrates over  two centuries of prosperity and and more freedom and innovation than the world has ever witnessed. We have become the most powerful nation on earth because of the most perfect document guaranteeing our rights, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness ever penned, our US Constitution.

However there are those that have worked slowly but surely to erode every joint in our framework for our free republic.  They are doing this without the consent of the governed while pretending to protect and preserve our core strengths.

Now our most basic, God given rights, are being challenged by a government confused by what they are allowed to do with their delegated power and with what they do not have authority to do.

The very first and most important right listed in our Bill of Rights  is appropriately  freedom of speech.

For government at the highest levels to order surveillance and reporting of those speaking in a dissenting voice and to be falsely named as unruly mobs is a sign that should concern all Americans greatly.

One party has come to monopolize the flow of information to the people and are crossing the line and identifying ordinary concerned citizens as something we are not!

Today a blogger wrote who we actually are very eloquently

at the website Hot Air.com and I wanted to share his thoughts-

Who We Are

posted at 8:48 am on August 6, 2009 by Doctor Zero
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There seems to be a bit of confusion among Democrats about the nature of the opposition to their plans. Maybe I can help clear things up, by telling them a few things about us.

We’re not paid minions of any corporate interest or lobby. Most bloggers working to stop the Obama health-care disaster are like me, writing when they can find the time, because we care about the future of our country. The same is true of the people showing up at town hall meetings, and organizing rallies. Some of us are well-dressed in tailored suits. Others wear jeans and T-shirts. Most of us are dressed in what we wore to work.

Our support for a massive government program does not increase when you tell us we’re not allowed to ask questions about it.

We’re not racists. We’re also not racialists. We don’t think a wise Latina is inherently more qualified to do anything than a wise Asian woman, a wise white woman, or a wise white man. We’re tired of being fed excuses for high government offices staffed by anything but the best people for the job. There are too many high government offices, so we’d like some of Obama’s absurdly incompetent appointees to take their titles with them when they leave. We remember what it was like when we got rid of the Clinton mob, so we’ll be conducting inventories on the contents of those vacated offices, before we turn out the lights and pour cement in the locks.

We don’t like having to fight desperate battles to save our freedom and future from socialist politicians every ten or twenty years. We don’t like having our time wasted with trillion-dollar statist fantasies, when our government is already trillions of dollars in the red. We’re tired of checking the papers each day, to see which group of us has been targeted as enemies of the State. We’re growing impatient waiting for the Democrats to come up with ideas that don’t require their supporters to hate someone. We’ve had our fill of “progressives” who act as if we’re living in 1909, and none of their diseased policies have ever been tried before.

We believe government should be punished for failing to live up to the expectations of its citizens, not the other way around. We don’t think people who destroy thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in market value should get a pass because they meant well. We’ve had enough of dodging a massive State that wants to organize, subsidize, penalize, and divide us. We refuse to pay tithe to a religion we don’t support, including the official State religion of global warming. We demand honesty, humility, and transparency from our public servants, no matter how many elections they’ve won. We won’t settle for making the only important decisions about our futures in the voting booth, once every couple of years.

We don’t blame people for showing up to grab their share of a government handout. We blame the people who stole the money from the rest of us, and put it on the table for them. We don’t think respect for private property ends at a certain income level, or that only some people should be applauded for doing their best to get ahead in life. We believe in the power and righteousness of capitalism, the exchange of goods and services between free people acting in their own best interests. There is no moral substitute for it. Every other scheme for governing human affairs amounts to a few dominating some, to the applause of others. Our freedom is not for sale, and we reserve the right to defend it from theft.

We don’t invest our hopes in the government. It is beneath the dignity of free men and women to spend their days hoping a politician decides to provide for our needs. We face the future, not with passive and helpless “hope”, but with active and dynamic faith in ourselves, and our fellow Americans. We are opposed to a political class that tries to cultivate our hopes by showering us with fear. We don’t trust politicians with our fortunes, much less with our lives. In fact, we don’t trust politicians much at all… but we absolutely require them to trust us.

We do not regard America as the sole country on Earth that should be forbidden from taking pride in its history, traditions, and achievements. We reject the notion that celebrating our traditions is an automatic insult to anyone else. We owe absolutely no apologies to murderous dictators or unelected tyrants, and we care little for their feelings. We believe there are many lessons to be learned from our history, by all the people of the world, and we cannot teach those lessons if we allow ourselves to be shamed into silence. We will never hesitate to call evil by its proper name, or give evil men good reasons to fear us.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a lot of work to do. There’s an election coming up next year.

Media “Lapdog Act” continues with Health Care Reporting!

Obamas poll numbers are actually below what George W. Bush had at the same stage of his presidency.

This is incredible, as the media has done everything they can to promote both the man and his policies since he became the presumptive Democrat nominee last year, something never afforded to Bush by a long shot!

Fortunately we have actual facts reported by others like Brent Bozell, President of the Media Research Center.

Brett knows what media should be doing and what they should not be doing, and when it comes to reporting on most anything involving the liberal agenda you can pretty much take it to the bank that they (the media) will not be doing their job!

Alexandria, VA – Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today called on the media to stop reporting on the American health care system as a “crisis” situation.  The facts simply belie the claim.

A poll conducted by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and Zogby International (http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.cfm?ID=1722) finds that 84 percent of Americans, including 46 percent of Americans without health care insurance, are “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the health care they currently receive.

Released on Wednesday, the poll was glaringly absent from most news reports late last week and over the weekend.

MRC President Brent Bozell:

“The media need to stop acting like arsonists when it comes to their reporting on the U.S. health care system, starting a fire and then suggesting to put it out the government takeover of 1/5th of our economy.

“There is no health care crisis.  The American people are overwhelmingly satisfied with the health care they currently receive.  The media should report this instead of helping incite for the socialist solution – the government making our most vital life and death health decisions.

“The real crisis here is the crisis of confidence that the American people have in the media.  The press need to stop creating calamities where there are none, and instead do what they are charged with doing – reporting the facts.”

MRC.org – The Media Research Center

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Shrinking Shield of Cover for Left

We let it be known as citizens and voters that we do not want certain things – in response our politicians go about implementing what they want anyway. This is especially true when the left holds power!

Over and over these “trusted public servants” serve up a full plate of deception and connive new schemes to fool as many people as possible into letting them do whatever they want to do. What they want to do is to grow power over us any way they can.

If the people say no, the politicians say “okay”,  as they find new ways to do it anyway.

Today we see the US Senate attaching an amendment for a bill meant to fund defense spending with provisions to make special punishments for those that dare disagree with  newly favored groups of minorities.  Thinking or expressing a certain opinion or attitude  could now be illegal for those people not part of the groups mentioned!

When did they last do this very same thing? September 2007

That effort was met with the veto power of a different president.

Did the people ask for this? No, they were against it- and still are!

In issue after issue, we see this happening.

How many times will we have to fight the same battles over and over again?

This “equalizer” is going to put some  good people in jail unjustly!

Think about how many issues that didn’t fly,  but become magically resurrected with a new approach, label, or  angle taken by our public leaders.

We vote, we say “NO!”, and a year later we are fighting the same issue, why?

A big part of it is  that our politicians know they have cover… our media.

Media have become a weird and bizarre group that is acting in a manner to legitimize an upside down perception of reality.  While portraying society in one way, they are aiding in destroying it in another. This partnership of perception shaping with government is a truly dangerous game.

The horrible job that our government is doing now is reported as progress!  The total economic disaster engineered by the left that threatens to bring down our nation, bring about the end of everything most of us hold dear,  is the actual reality.

I have three socialists supposedly representing me in the federal government, another as a governor, a state legislator and county government  full of them.  I have some very gullible neighbors who are happy to know these things are so ,  who think things are bound to improve now that Obama is president too!

Who do they trust for their information about the state of society, the media of course. How do they(media) expose these politicians for who they really are? Well, actually, they don’t,  instead they legitimize them- by keeping any honest analysis of what they are doing quiet.

Their “savior” Obama hasn’t improved a thing (due to George Bush of course), and who cares about Iranians, or Cap and Trade (whatever that is), or the dozen of our brave soldiers lost in the past few weeks,  when it is so sad that Michael Jackson passed so early in life!

The problem is of course peoples willingness to accept ignorance as wisdom pulls the rug out from under all of our feet by allowing these slinking, sneaky, and sleazy politicians to ruin and destroy on a regular basis and have the cover of the “all knowing media” to justify their actions.

While the solar activity of our sun has actually begun a long cooling period, the media continues to provide cover to the Global Warming lie. The sleazy politicians still need this lie to do what we people do not want,  restrict our energy.

The opposition to Government Health Care is not going to be covered by media either, we know why.

Most of us know that appearances are not always what they appear to be, but our politicians know they can control perception of reality if they control the media, and those that do so the most effectively make perception our reality as they say. Media and politicians deny this blatant bias but how can they given they are ignoring the millions comprising the tea party movement?

The tea party movement is offering a new voice against these engineered perceptions.  Many of those that work within media and still cognizant of actual reality may soon be making the decision to join us rather than give in to the mess their industry is enabling.  Maybe. We want those honest enough to see reality on this side.

In the mean time we need to keep pressure on these politicians and let them know that we are watching and talking about every underhanded method they are using to defy what most Americans want, and work to get them out of positions of trust.

We also need to keep holding up the mirror to our media and exposing them for what they have become, wasted talent, pawns of politicians of a certain ilk.  The job of providing cover needs to become un attractive to them as it is surely ugly to behold for those who can see past their shrinking shield of cover!

Tea Party’s: Who are these people?

Why in the world are people taking to the streets in droves with homemade signs and organizing rallies all over the country? Don’t they have something better to do with their time and energy?

Who are these guys who keep showing up with this message that is counter to what the “real” protesters with mass produced signs and union generated slogans say?

How dare they counter the perception of a horrible America where everyone is a victim of corporations and capitalism?

Don’t these people know that they helpless and that government is the answer?

These people must be the extreme right wingers, these tea party freaks!

They are definitely a threat to the country because even the Homeland Security Czar, or someone, said they are right wing extremists!

Obviously these  “Teabaggers” are missing marbles and cannot be taken seriously right?

After all, aren’t the fair guys in office now? They are going to make sure everything is fair.

Who are these guys that keep coming on relentlessly even though the press has been careful not to acknowledge their presence at all! The big corporations must have hatched a secret plan, we better look into this to make sure we find and expose these conspirators fast and furiously!

These people are just racists, and don’t like having a black man rule them!

This is what the left is saying on their blogs albeit with a much harsher tone and acerbic passion.

So who are the real tea party people?

Mostly just regular people that are concerned about their country.

They are so concerned that they have done what most have never done before.. become activists.

Why are they concerned when all the regular media paints such a rosy picture about the administrations competence and advanced visions for America, finally (after Bush)?

They are rational, they see through the hype and the myths, and see reality. They see the great danger now facing America.  They also realize that far too many people are oblivious to the real danger.

Our Forefathers and Founders wrote extensively of the dangers of losing freedom altogether, and the very specific warnings are being unheeded in frightening numbers of a populous dumbed down to accept a perception of reality rather than the actual reality by how they are receiving and digesting information.

Some people are less concerned about the state of the American mind these days and feel that Americans always wake up to reality in time because they have in the past.  Those who take this attitude are probably in a denial about reality also.

America is not America without liberty, without freedom.

Our unique and powerful Constitution has been the fortress that has protected America and enabled the greatest free society in the history of mankind.

That fortification has been weakened significantly over decades however and allowed a top heavy government to encroach upon our rights, redistribute wealth, ignore state sovereignty, and the individuals freedom.

Those entrusted to preserve and protect our Constitution have found ways to subvert it and even have reached the point of publicly complaining of it’s design that limits their power over it citizens.

As a result we are very close to having a permanent loss of freedom as bigger and bigger gaps are wedged open in our Constitution by those pretending to be acting on the behalf of the people.

The people at these tea party’s are people like you and I.  These are people with jobs and generally the most responsible members of society. They are also the productive members of society that believe in using their liberties to make their own way in life. They are also veterans that know what America stands for and what the real price for freedom means. They are young and old and black and white and every other ethnicity. They are just as diverse as our neighborhoods and country itself.

Most of these people are people you would trust to watch your kids, or to keep an eye on your house while you were away. They are traditional Americans with regular traditional family values.

Every member is not  a conservative though most are, but they do have a common belief and that is our government is no longer representing the vast majority of Americans and they are engaging in a process that is selling our children’s futures, and American freedom, so that they can retain power.

Too many others are living in the perceived world  and playing along with the distorted reality lacking the vision to see the ultimate consequences of their actions.  Whole industries are capitulating to government demands instead of fighting for the system that allowed them to exist in the first place.  It is truly amazing.

Some people are awake and working to warn others before it is too late, we are the people of the tea party movement. We are growing in numbers, and waking up more people every day. We have a lot of work to do to stop the government from abusing its authority and return to its mandated role as articulated in the Doctrines of Freedom.

If you too are concerned for America join a tea party group (there is one near you), and they are fighting for this country from the ground up!

The extent of Media Bias realized and increasingly resented

Nashville Revival Rally July 2nd, 2009

Photos from “America’s Tea party” in Dallas at Southfork Ranch

If you are among the 100,000’s that attended a tea party this past weekend chances are you did so without any of those pesky propagandists (formally known as journalists) around trying to get you to say something good about our government these days.

I think they may just be  following that old adage “If you don’t have anything nice to say; than don’t say anything at all!

Maybe they are just too embarrassed to show up to see what normal Americans think!

Too bad, they missed a lot.

Funny though, nobody seemed to miss them! The stories and photos are being posted!

They missed hearing how we know our founders got it right.  They missed hearing that people know the difference between a constitutional republic and what the Democrats try and instill every time they gain any power!

They missed that we acknowledge a higher power grants mankind  natural rights and governments should only exist to preserve and protect those rights!

They missed how we respect the words in our Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem, Declaration of Independence and in our Constitution.

They missed how we honor our fallen and respect our veterans.

Nor were they there to hear the stories of those who have escaped to America from elsewhere and know this to be the best country on earth because of our freedom.

Thank you my fellow American, my “right winged extremists” friends, or as Obama like to call us all- “special interests”!

From what I witnessed at the tea party I attended it is true…we do have a “special interest”, keeping America free and our liberty intact while having those values pass on to future generations.

It’s the biggest story there is out there, record numbers of Americans standing up for what they believe in!

The tea party coverage that wasn’t

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Talking about competition(while working to destroy it)

The administrations marketing campaign for government run health care shifted into high gear this week and it remains to be seen where we all stand in the battle over control of lives.

Slick rhetoric, Astroturfed rallies , faked poll numbers, and partnership of government with media, have all played a part in the never ending campaign of deception against America.

It’s worrisome when one considers the success of this president in other campaigns despite his glaring deficiencies, and how many people bought his message, and now may do so again.

Obama has chosen his words carefully to disguise the truth, and sell his plan to Americans.

He can sound like a capitalist with a smile on his face, as he actually describes an anti-free enterprise system he is promoting.  His bizzare answers about competition go largely unchallenged by his truth challenged media.

Thankfully, the tea party movement and other groups have been out there to counter this false advertising campaign, which is  not about our health care at all,  if the truth is revealed,  it is about government control over us.

Remember Atlanta!

New tea party rally cry! Remember Atlanta!

All upcoming Independence day ralliers should also brings signs that show solidarity for the Tea Party cancelled

at the last minute for very suspicious reasons by very liberal property owners!

Story at American Thinker

and FaultlineUSA