Random Thoughts On Our Country and Our Path Forward

Via our Liberty for USA blog-

“It is time for accountability to be forced by we the people.”
Matt Modleski Book

Cover picture above– U.S. Air Force Thunderbird pilot, Matt Modleski’s book “The American Dream and What We Must Do to Secure Our Children’s Dreams.”

Matt recently wrote an article for ROC Newsletter outlining some thoughts about what we need to do as a country to move forward. We share it below.

Matt recently wrote an article for ROC Newsletter outlining some thoughts about what we need to do as a country to move forward. We share it below.

Random Thoughts On Our Country and Our Path Forward

By Mathew Modleski

I asked [ROC editor} if I could share a few thoughts with all of you this week and he graciously said yes.  Many of these thoughts are related in some fashion and in my book I more fully explain some of that interconnectedness.  Thanks for the chance to contribute to the dialogue on ROC.
The $29 trillion dollar illusion
Unfortunately the illusion is our US standard of living as it has been propped up by credit for more than 40 years. I heard Mitt Romney say that if we cut spending by a trillion dollars in one year we would go back into a deep recession or perhaps a depression as the GDP would shrink by 5%.  Let’s turn that math around and look at it this way.  We are borrowing and spending $1.5 trillion this year to sustain the illusion and using Romney’s math, instead of our GPD growing at an anemic 1.8%, it is really shrinking at about 5%.  That means without the illusion of borrowing and spending we are actually in a steep recession or maybe a depression already, aren’t we?  Math is math, and no matter how it’s spun, it doesn’t lie (statistics can be manipulated to lie; basic math is not subject to that same problem).
Let me ask you this.  Let’s say you make $50,000.00 per year.  You have borrowed and spent $70,000.00 and pay interest on that amount in order to live a lifestyle that you’ve grown accustomed to.   Each month in order to “live that lifestyle,” you borrow 40% more than you make and you spend it?  Would your life appear better than it actually is in terms of sustainability? That’s what we’re doing in America.

It is time for accountability to be forced by we the people.  Please vote out of office anyone who serves you in government who has been there for more than 6 years, they have mismanaged our country so badly they don’t deserve the honor of continuing to serve (notice I wasn’t party specific).

Where are our Leaders?
Albert Einstein said, “Setting the example isn’t the main means of influencing another, it is the only means.”  When you look across our great nation, do you see anyone that you would want your children to emulate who is serving us?   If the answer is no, ask yourself why you can’t find a single leader in public service that you would have your children emulate? Then, please find men and women of character to send to Washington, D.C. this year, because when the illusion comes crashing down, we are going to need people of character to lead our nation.  We may have to wait for the crash to see these people stand tall and serve us.  More than likely they will not be a byproduct of establishment politics; if there is a crash the country will want something very different.

College and High School Graduates-Get Skilled, Not Simply Educated

For most of the last 20-30 years a college education meant opportunity for a good job in America.  Even as our reliance on borrowing and spending at both the household level and federal level spiraled out of control, there was always a job for college graduates.  Those times are over in terms of the “automatic” aspect of jobs for people with academic knowledge.   We will now have to have graduates who have learned how to “do something” with their knowledge or said more simply, they will have to be skilled.  Knowledge is wonderful, but you wouldn’t want your airline pilot to be chock full of knowledge and have no skill.  You would want them to have taken the knowledge they have accrued and then turn that knowledge into the skill of flying your airplane.  Our children have been lead to believe that six figures waits at the end of the party called a bachelor’s degree.  We’d better communicate that the party is over and skills are going to be required to succeed in the new America (the one that comes after the very hard landing that’s now inevitable).  Skills are learned through practice and repetition, there is no shortcut to becoming skilled.
There was an interesting article a year or so ago that made the point that Military Academy graduates go on to achieve more with their lives than Ivy League school graduates.  It seems pretty simple to me when trying to discern why.  Academy graduates must learn skills that they apply everyday to solve real problems where lives are at risk.  Ivy League graduates aren’t forced to learn skills that have those same consequences. Even M.D.’s errors result in someone else dying, not them or their surgical counterparts.   The same cannot be said of a combat leader who has to be skilled.  If they make mistakes, they pay with their lives or those of their friends.
Skills will be required in the new America; knowledge has been overpriced in our run-up of borrowing and spending in almost every aspect of our lives.  (Just as an aside, most of the people in the current administration are “academic experts”).
So What is the Plan?
One of my biggest knocks on the right is the unwillingness to put forth a plan based on the truth and then lead its implementation.  My knock on the left is simply they won’t do math in public, a simple yet basic tenet of problem solving. So, based on my lack of patience for those who won’t put a plan forward, here is one aspect of my plan to address the crisis we’re in now.
Let’s cut spending across the board for the next 5 years.  We’ll reduce it 8%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 4% for each of the next five years.  The first two reductions include Presidential and Congressional pay, it’s time DC felt some sort of sacrifice for the good of the nation.  For those who want to know how much money each of those reductions would result in, it’s roughly $288 billion, $264 billion, $250 billion, $230 billion and $200 billion.  At the end of those 5 years we would still be borrowing money each month, but a revision of the tax code will close that gap.  In 5 years we will have stopped digging the hole we’re in, and will have balanced the budget.  We can then begin to pay off our debt which by then will be more than $20 trillion dollars.  Once the budget is balanced we should index Medicare spending and Defense spending as a percentage of GDP so that both parties can take care of their constituents by focusing on one thing, a healthy US economy.
The time for apathy has long since passed; most of America simply hasn’t realized it yet.
God Bless,

Visit Matt’s website– http://www.mattmodleski.com

Local Survey Results: Who Should the GOP Run vs. Obama and Cantwell?

via Steve Beren on Facebook

Survey Results – Who Should the GOP Run vs. Obama and Cantwell?

“Like” my Facebook page: http://on.fb.me/qbnxOf

Steve Beren – August 23, 2011


The overwhelming majority of survey participants described themselves as conservative, and as Republicans. Although this was an unscientific…

The Taxpayers Voted…We Won…Evidently Not!

The taxpayers voted for $30 car tabs that could not be raised without approval by a vote from the people.  So why has the King County Council decided to be the King County Council Tyrants and ignore the people once again?

King County’s $20 car tab tax: Liars, Sell-Out, & Switzerland


Local Man Fulfilling Promise In Big Way

Committed to a promise that he made to a buddy, who later fell in combat, led to the organizing of the Team Jesse Foundation and a grueling ride across America to help the families of our brave heroes who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom!

To provide education and help for families of fallen soldiers and to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of September 11, 2001, US Army Veteran Kevin Mincio and Entrepreneur and Philanthropist Matt Sauri will cycle across America. This 95-day, 4,200 mile journey will begin at the gravesite of SSG Jesse Williams in Santa Rosa, CA and end at Ground Zero in Manhattan, NY where Team Jesse Foundation co-founder Kevin Mincio stood on 9.11.01 as a Vice President at Goldman Sachs before enlisting in the Army to defend our freedom. All donations that are received during this event will provide education and support to families of fallen soldiers.

A Strong Message

Palin Bus Tour sends the right message about America.

Beren Survey Poll For WA Federal Candidates

In 2012, who should the GOP run against President Barack Obama?

And who should the GOP run against Senator Maria Cantwell?

Click here to participate in the survey: Who Should the GOP Run?

Tom Trento Calls For Investigation of Incident & WH Leaks on Seal Team 6

Wrong Way Government Removes Our Consent

It used to be when neighbors were building their communities, they got together to decide what they needed and then decided how they would accomplish their objective. Often they all chipped in labor and materials and when it was finished nothing was owed. These days a council sits around and decides what they want and build or implement it whether or not it is affordable or really needed for our community. Often the “plan” is encumbered with strings attached for funding from higher bureaucracies too that we become liable for. They may even get some input about their idea from the community along the way. Often these attached strings change our communities in drastic ways we did not bargain for. Is this an exaggeration? In some cases probably, but yes it’s true in general. Our government is functioning backwards, at all levels, more often than not.

‘Apologize’ for Economy

The “D” Bomb

Reality Video of Week

You’re Gonna To Pay

Send it along to a young person so they realize what is being done to their future’s!

“The Undefeated” Movie Trailer

Few public figures have ever generated the strong emotions over the issues of our time like Sarah Palin has.

Spending Is the Game

The ruling class is pulling out all the stops in the mis-framed debate over the direction our country will take to try and put up barriers to anything resembling a halt to what they like to do best; spend the taxpayers money as fast as they can!

The problem is that after going on a literal blitzkrieg of irresponsible spending based upon the cover of cannibalistic stimulus policy known as Keynesian economics, including endless bailouts,  quantitative easing (money printing), crony payouts, and the like, since 2007, we suddenly find ourselves very, very far in debt.

In the 2010 elections the people clearly said, “ENOUGH!”,  by voting out incumbents in historic proportions.  The message was unmistakable that people wanted a halt to fiscal irresponsibility… and out of control government.

So now those most recently voted in are holding fast and we the people are holding everyone’s feet to the fire by expecting them to stand on the principles of limited government and fiscal responsibility.

The establishment, who were shocked by the election results, seemed to understand briefly that business as usual had changed. However, they quickly got over it, believing that they could use their powers to bring any “upstarts” inline with their reality and the way “things are done inside the beltway!” This particular plan has not seemed to work very well though and now we witness much screaming and howling and crying, “FOUL!”

It seems that those associated with the Tea Party movement are now considered middle-earth hobbits incapable of being reasonable nor of understanding the complexities of the game by members in their own party establishment.

We understand just fine.

Obama and the other leftists in charge have no desire to stop spending at a fast and furious rate, but they do have an election to worry about, so they will do whatever it takes to blame the right for their spending addiction.  We learn from them that the current GOP leadership is weak on principles, and will often sacrifice these strategic strongholds (conservative principles) in order to gain minute or insignificant pieces of political ground in order to claim progress.  This easy exploitation seems apparent to everyone but those who are being played.

Economically the left has no answers at all that do not include more taxes and more spending.   They just need the permission to continue their program relatively unabated.  It is their foes in Congress who are continuously “compromising”  to give them this further permission. To be fair, there is actually one area the left would cut willing, our national defense. Other than this, they are about growing, not limiting government size.  For that, they always need more of the people’s money to spend.

The astronomical national debt numbers are not imaginary figures ginned up by cave dwelling know-nothings.  This debt was created in record time by those in Washington… playing their game. These are addicts and enablers trying to point fingers at the interventionists wanting responsibility in their representation! We get back  loud protests about disastrous election results if the game is not allowed to continue on their own terms!

There are only so many points of time where the opportunity exists to turn back in the right direction for this country.  This is one of those times. Let’s put the onus back on those who deserve the real criticism.

The best deal for America is to take the steps needed to bring spending under control, and to do it now, not later.  It may be too tough a job for some, but in that event, we can, and will, find those who are willing to perform the job of ending the spending game.

Jobs Matter

A New Direction for Washington

Big government stifles job creation. Washington State has followed that path for too long.

We believe that the leadership, experience, and values of Rob McKenna will allow for the conditions to allow businesses to create jobs here in the Evergreen State! We also have faith that the Tea Party movement will unite to support his candidacy.

Watch the video

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Standing As One

Americans are continuing to come together to fight fiercely for their liberty.

The ruling class hates this and tries to marginalize us all as extremists…

It will never work for them.


America is meant to be be a free nation under God

Thanks to Toots Sweet from Big Dawg Music Mafia for his latest powerful video.

“The Liberal Abuse of the English Language” – HIJACKED WORDS – Dr. Grace Vuoto

Think about what is destroying America’s real freedom and how it is being accomplished…



Read the referenced article

Time To Pay the Piper?

Time To Pay the Piper?
ROC Commentary (July 15, 2011 Issue#28)

Any private entity operating like our government does now would likely be considered a criminal enterprise.

Since the 1930’s our federal government works in many respects much like Ponzi schemes made famous by many notorious figures who devised underhanded ways to help themselves to the fruits of other people’s labor for profit to themselves.  Politicians figured out long ago that public accountability was lacking at certain times, especially when their own party enjoyed immense political power. Tricky wording and emotional appeal could be employed to get enough visible public support to advance ill-advised policies and programs so they could be incrementally implemented with minimum resistance from the people, most of whom would never consider the long term implications. So they promised the American people the world, the stars and the moon! Unfortunately many believed that there was such a thing as a “free lunch!” The politicians then pocketed their political profits…at our expense.

So many wild promises have been made to Americans for decades now by these politicians in the name of solving one “problem” or another with vague assurances as to the benefits compared to the true costs.  This selling by incremental steps has a ratcheting factor too (rarely, if ever, reversed) that has allowed the politicians of the federal government to create incomprehensible, mammoth-sized money drains on America’s productive. A continuing series of power usurping moves by these so called representatives or by supposedly impartial judges with agendas (public servants entrusted with upholding the duties and responsibilities required by the US Constitution) has also successfully reversed the role of our federal government in relation to the people.

Increasingly the media safeguard for accountability has evaporated as they have ignored their watchdog role or actively participated in the political deceptions. Now the federal government has intruded into numerous areas of our lives by exercising power they were never granted by the people or by our founding documents. This usurpation of power has cost us big time… in both monetary terms, and in our liberty. The “piper” now holds a huge bill in our name (not the politicians who ran it up)… that threatens to exceed our ability to pay. The reckless spending for empty promises must stop now, and the bill we owe must be addressed … while we still can. The past promises that were made and are now depended on by so many must be brought into proper perspective through a prism based in reality and not automatically continued “as is” until they inevitably ruin us all financially.

What we are witnessing in the the “debt ceiling” debate is the unpleasant reality which eventually catches up with those who set up schemes to defraud others.  The unpleasant results of making wild promises, while using other peoples money to keep the scams going, has come to a head.  Those who are in on the Washington con or “game” simply wish to continue to play… by giving themselves permission to do so, even though it has become glaringly apparent that the longer this continues, the worse it will be for our young and future citizens.

The American people for the most part have made it clear that we expect and demand responsible, accountable, and honest solutions by our representation to get us back on the right track and provide our posterity with the same opportunities we have enjoyed. We repeatedly reject any more “smoke and mirrors”, or “kicking the can down the road” in order to avoid doing what must be done.

This is not just another high stakes contest in the game of “chicken” between political foes.  This battle has much more on the line than who wins politically. Ultimately the outcome will directly affect all the people, and determine the future or demise of this country.  There is very little to really compromise on, as the actual choice is stark… either the success or failure as a country.  It is time to stand up for doing what is right if we believe in America. It is long past due time to “pay the piper” and to get our house in order to ensure that from now on… we have and operate a government based in reality… and not false utopian dreams for equal outcomes, ideological fantasies, or other pretending.

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Nothing but true…

The Accountability Shortage Eroding America

The Accountability Shortage Eroding America
ROC Commentary

None of us are saints, most of us could do better, and we are all accountable ultimately for what we say or do, whether others may know of that which we do, or not.

“He’s a man of his word” is a saying which indicates someone can be trusted as honest. “A man’s word is his bond” is another version meaning the same thing. Traditionally we used to know a lot more people who said what they meant, and meant what they said, and some of them where even in politics! Nowadays, we cannot even trust most of our American media to be accountable in providing us the unvarnished truth, especially if there could be political fallout to certain parties in reporting the facts.

Integrity and accountability go hand in hand.  “Keeping them honest” has always meant holding people to account for what they say, and do. People with true integrity seem to have developed the self-discipline to live honestly, whether or not others are watching, even when it is easy to act anonymously or when opportunity to surreptitiously abuse trust presents itself.  We used to think of this as maturing. Not so many years ago this described the majority of our American population.

Popular culture, technology, and the prevailing socializing discourse in our time, have created new circumstances and some hiding zones or enclaves that too many people are using to escape consequences for their actions or words. These areas cultivate unlimited excuses or justifications for unaccountable behavior. Our own government uses the unaccountability by some to impose ridiculous measures for forced accountability on all, while ironically fighting any efforts by the people to require accountability from them. Not only that, depending on the political outcome they desire, they blatantly oscillate between both encouraging irresponsible behavior, and/or punishing it. Using the catch-all excuse of “social justice,” our leaders are classifying us, dividing us, marginalizing our individual worth, and controlling us, all because they can depend on the breakdown of accountability they have engineered or some willingly seek.

Those of us concerned for our country see we have an increasing lack of accountability on display from those who should be held to the very highest standards of conduct.  We see that our media has been corrupted, and are no longer diligent in their roles as guards for the public assigned to watch for signs of the abuse of power.  We also see that too many of our fellow citizens have adopted a mob mentality, and seem to want to be free of any personal accountability. Whether or not we are doing it to ourselves, or having it done to us, our standards for personable accountability are being lowered.

America cannot afford to allow this to continue and still expect to remain free.

We need people of integrity, and people who stick by their principles in our leadership positions.

Everybody is not suited for leadership.  We see the consequences of allowing those without experience, ability, or integrity to make important decisions that affect far more people than themselves. There is a basic truth in the “Peter Principle,” where eventually a person will be promoted to a level of incompetence, but seems especially true with those who lack integrity, honesty, and personal accountability in their lives.

Our institutions built on principles, which formerly created better conditions for people to take their responsibilities to be “men (and women) of their word,” seriously, have been under attack for decades by those seeking more power for themselves and less influence or power from those entities.

Those foundational institutions that reinforce the values we seek from a responsible citizenry begin with the basic family structure, our schools, our churches and our community groups. One aspect that is common about these associations is that they are voluntary.  Another was that they were originally relatively free of government interference, especially from afar. We can no longer claim this trait, just look at our schools now. These traditional relationships were also largely local, and we knew the members, and knew who best to trust among them.

Even as little as a decade ago, it is highly unlikely that a man with the highly questionable and little known background such as Barack Obama had could have been elected as president. The lack of accountability for his past associations and the lack of relevant experience both would have made him unelectable. But that is immaterial now since he was elected.  What is important is that he has now shown that he is not “a man of his word.”  He lies frequently and seemingly very easily, he retreats from accountability or responsibility for his own actions, and blames others or makes excuses, and he has shown little in promoting America or our values. The problems America faces as a nation are worsening, not improving, under his leadership.

An institution which has remained an island for real accountability is our military. The discipline and integrity of the professional men and women in our military have not suffered the same social values slippage the rest of society has, though it seems to be a new target for change by the elitists lately. Our hopes for finding true leaders with demonstrated and known records for achievement and accountability is enhanced with groups like Combat Vets for Congress PAC. Their motto, “Embedded Integrity.” They endorse people like Rep. (Lt. Col.) Allen West.

The previously mentioned traditional community institutions (those whom have managed to resist the culture of corruption in our society) is another great place to look for our needed leaders, and we should encourage those we identify as principled and trustworthy to run for office at all levels.

Yet, it also seems we all might need to take a fresh look at our own personal actions or behaviors in life.  Are we ourselves contributing or participating in the erosion of our society?  Are we staying silent when we should speak up, or putting minimum effort into fighting for what we believe in? Are we making excuses too? If you believe for example that more people need to get involved in your group, do you have a goal to attract a certain number each week or month?  Is there a plan in place for achieving your goal?  Are you truly giving it your best effort?  Isn’t this part of being accountable also?

The lack of accountability is responsible for most of our issues faced by the country; from illegal immigration, to the mortgage market fiasco, to the fight over health care costs, and in just plain dishonest corruption by those holding office.  Our leaders, and we ourselves, better wake up soon and demand a renewed, higher standard of accountability!

Just in case this commentary does not convey the importance of accountability, please carve out a period of time to watch the wisdom found in the MRC-TV video (about an hour) A Call to Accountability.

New Show With Provocative Name…Serious Fun!

Some friends of ours have collaborated on what should be a fun, provocative, entertaining and informative show format!

Everyday is Memorial Day

Officially, yesterday was Memorial Day.  For the loved ones of the fallen however, every single day is.

A friend of mine is a Gold Star dad.  He lost his son in 2003 in Iraq.  His son paid the ultimate price for us.  Our fighting men and women do not get to decide where or how to defend our liberty and freedom, but they risk everything when they do.  Every year the anniversary of a son’s birthday reminds him of his loss.  The anniversary of his son’s death reminds him of his loss. Memorial Day reminds him of his son’s loss.  The anniversary of 9/11 reminds him of his son’s loss.

Everyday is Memorial Day to this father, and I expect it is so for so many others as well.

They personally know the real price of freedom through the loss of their precious loved ones.  Every family who has a loved one, or loved ones, serving our country prays that they will never have to face the bad news that all too many others have received.  Others will pay a price with serious life-long injuries and pain, many with lifelong consequences.

The solace for them, and any small comfort that my friend finds is knowing that his wonderful child was doing what he lived to do, and doing it proudly, with honor, and his sense of duty to his country, and always with his fellow soldiers welfare foremost in his mind.

My friend knows his son was a hero, they all are,  he just hopes others know and appreciate that truth as well, and that we never fail to remember that freedom is not free.

Yesterday was Memorial Day, but so is today, and so is tomorrow.

Of all the tributes I saw and read over the past week, the video below in particular stood out, because it says it all, so beautifully.

God bless America.


Righting Our Consent Newsletter

Our great country has its roots in revolution against government without representation.  The people did not consent to most of what they were being subjected to, which amounted to a constant and increasing oppression of freedom and man’s unalienable rights. Eventually they declared their independence from the conditions they found intolerable.  They in effect righted their consent in their governance.

Find out what traditional Americans are doing to right their consent.  Knowing our principles and fighting for them is a duty we cannot afford to ignore with the liberal assault on who we are and what we believe as a country.

April 29, 2011           Issue #17- 2011

Arbitrary Laws Must Not Stand

“’Tis a Mistake to think this Fault [tyranny] is proper only to Monarchies; other Forms of Government are liable to it, as well as that. For where-ever the Power that is put in any hands for the Government of the People, and the Preservation of their Properties, is applied to other ends, and made use of to impoverish, harass, or subdue them to the Arbitrary and Irregular Commands of those that have it: There it presently becomes Tyranny, whether those that thus use it are one or many.” –John Locke

Shortly after riding into office in 2009 on a blank slate, where many a voter had interpreted his vague, albeit exciting sounding platitudes of “hope and change” to be their own hopes and vision of changes, Obama and his collectivist friends “hit the ground running” as he had indicated to his allies he would during his campaign.

Squarely in their target sights was the American health care insurance system, which had been prepped for attack during the campaign as an uncaring, and overly costly system, that was stunting economic growth, failing the people, and in need of major reform.

This was merely a cover lie for the plan to fundamentally change us from a free and consensual government by the people, to a new system of rule over the people by grabbing power from them permanently. Making it appear as if the people were asking for this particular change would be most useful.


The Rule of Men Trumps Liberty

“Positive” Government Rights De-constituting America

Reprinted from the original post at http://forums.traditionalamericanmovement.com

Thanks to decades of progressive education, media propaganda, and politicians from both parties that have ignored their oaths to uphold our US Constitution, we may now say we are nearly de-constituted as a country that once was based on individual freedom and our property rights, in a society which both revered and observed the rule of law.

Preamble of the De-constituted
We the Central Authority of the Subservient States, in Order to form Enduring Powers, establish arbitrary Justice, insure domestic Obedience, provide for the Social Compact, promote the Standardized Consensus Agenda, and to secure and redistribute the Property of the Demos, do command, and so order, this Manifesto as Supreme authority over the subjects of the Socialist States of America from this time forward.

Far fetched? Which part is not already true?

Our federal government, populated and dominated by socialist ideologies, is dictating what the states may or may not do, as well as us citizens, as if we were subjects commanded to obey, instead of the source of our elected representatives authority. This dictating attitude of office holders is heard in their words, and seen through their actions.

The Rule of Law, along with the elements that are required for true justice, have been usurped by the rule of men. The laws have grown so numerous, and so complex as to not be known even generally, much less in any specifics by most of the people. Increasingly we see these laws are applied unequally, to politically favored groups for either exemption or benefit, and to dis-favored groups as punishments and inhibitors of freedom. Not only is the individual left largely unprotected now in favor of the arbitrary “greater good” of society, new laws are damning to the individual… and his rights. Success of the productive is often met by confiscation, overbearing regulation, and even more laws of men which are meant mainly to siphon off a maximum value for the longest time possible, and redistribute those proceeds to ensure political power for themselves. Judicial review is no longer conducted by impartial or independent judges.

Irresponsible social promises have been made now for generations, by those willing to promise anything, without being held responsible for their false advertising, which in turn has made the notion of a ‘social compact’ between the government and the people seem almost natural for people to expect, and many feel this promised arrangement is somehow superior to the idea of true self sufficiency and the liberty to pursue ones own happiness. Evidently these people have never thought it through far enough to realize that one cannot both retain responsibility for determining one’s own path, and simultaneously enjoy no responsibilities for their own welfare.

If we are to retain our ability to demand our consent for a system of self-government, as a representative Republic, we must elect those that understand the elements of good law to be our lawmakers. Otherwise we end up with the rule of men, uncertainty, decline, and worst of all, the end of our liberty.

Our Founders understood what the Rule of Law consists of. Our elected officials need to remember these elements too. The rule of law must be known (knowable) in general to all, have a certainty (a law we count on to last without changing, and have a sound legal framework. It must be applied with equality, with an absence of any government discretionary power which always threatens the Rule of Law. It must have impartial independent judicial review. It must acknowledge its authority is only derived by protecting our individual rights.

The recent Obamacare law is a prime example of what happens when the Rule of Law has been eviscerated and usurped by the arbitrary rule of men. It is an unprecedented massive, unknowable law that was both rushed and rammed through Congress by a majority against the will of the people, which tramples on individual rights, is already undergoing numerous changes, will generate volumes of new rules, is creating uncertainty, is full of both discretionary powers by government and exemptions for government and others of favored status, and much of it is not subjected to any independent judicial review or even congressional review. Life itself will be put at risk by its provisions, which do include a “death panel” based on costs of services.

So we can see that the fictitious Preamble of the De-constituted above is not far fetched at all. This is however how those in power now exercise their duties. This is the power and purpose they are actively seeking by any means possible, and they likely hope to pronounce a similar manifesto of control when they know that they have crushed any resistance to them. They have massively abused their power to the point of controlling us, by ignoring good law, constitutional constraints to limit power, the sovereignty of the individual, and substituting arbitrary rules of their own making. All the positive good born of freedom which our fellow citizens, current and past, have built upon to grow this society into the greatest country, is now in jeopardy of being lost forever unless we end this rogue regime of post constitutionalists and any like it.

It is not too late though, unless of course, We the People ignore what Edmond Burke stated;

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men (and women) do nothing”

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Rob McKenna’s E-mail updates

Rob McKenna’s website now has a special signup page for email updates on the important issues of reducing the size of government and respecting the Constitution. Washington State patriots please consider publicizing this on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The link is http://bit.ly/g67jlT

Church of the Deciders

Church of the Deciders
ROC Editorial 4-15-2011

How important is the first sentence in Amendment 1 of our Constitution’s Bill of Rights?

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …”

Turns out, in light of what is transpiring in this country, it is pretty darned important! Is it not the liberals whom go ballistic at the slightest hint that anyone, at any level of government, would permit anything resembling our traditional religions to be sanctioned in the least by our government institutions? Yet, a strong case can be made, by simply observing the forced cultural trends being driven by the elitists, that we have in fact allowed a new unprincipled, pseudo-religion established by the Left, aided and abetted throughout the political spectrum, and implemented within all the branches of government, and at all levels. Unfortunately many among real religious faiths have also been sucked into the cult.

In academia world, whose members are hailed by the Left as our saviors, it is not a secret, that the professors, authors and philosophers have a general consensus “group thing” going, in which they consider the important aspects of life which must not be left to chance, nor be allowed to develop naturally. It is also true, that for the most part, these “progressives” mostly subscribe to ideologies that reject traditional customs (including religious ones),  Judeo-Christian principles or beliefs, free capital markets, American exceptional-ism, the concept that our government should be limited as to what it can decide for us, or the idea that individuals should be free to follow the dictates of their own consciences, or are even capable of using their reasoning.  It is these beliefs that motivate them to study society and religiously experiment, test, and bless their own opinions, as they employ their hypothesis, theories, and models to change our society into something else, something that can be directed to move humanity in the direction they want… which is often opposed to human nature and free will.

The uprooting of our traditional American culture and customs, and the supplanting of their experimental beliefs and values in their place, is their religion. It may not have one official or exact name, but it has all the elements of a religious organization. It is being established and institutionalized via the courts, the lawmakers, and the executive branch, both through their propaganda, and by the force of government. It has its own symbolism, its sermons, its behavioral expectations, its own narratives, and is setting an alternative morality and ethical standard via its main religious law, “political correctness.”  This authoritative “religious law” is being preached to our younger generations as if it were gospel. Social studies, or indoctrination are paramount priorities, to these “teachers,” far more important (in their wisdom) than reading, writing, or arithmetic of course.

This new religion even has many false iconic figureheads to worship. It also increasingly has real punishment associated with not observing its edicts. Much of what passes today as “mainstream accepted thought” is obviously not how most of us think at all, but rather is what we are told to comply with, or else. Often we can see it is the case that even when the voters are given a chance to say “we do not consent” to a particular aspect of it, we are overruled in the courts, and vilified by the foot soldiers of their crusade. We have already passed a point in which it has become truly absurd as to what we are expected to believe or feel about what society “ought” to be, as established by them. In this system free will and choosing are not really options.

It is clear what our Founders thought about the establishment of any religion that people were compelled to follow. They absolutely knew this would be counter to a free society, so were opposed to it. They listed this as their very first item when outlining our Bill of Rights. They had seen the effects of state-like, freedom-robbing tyrannies that grew in power in the name of religion, but ultimately subjugated its own members, and fought others of different religions constantly over power. They sought to protect the individual’s choice to worship, as he saw fit, not to be dominated by any particular denomination.  At the same time, they further recognized that to be successful as a nation, the principles and morality brought by religion were essential to our future as a nation.

Our government was established as one of self-government by, of, and for the people. We ratified it as such. We did not ratify a system of “comply or else,” where “thought police” dictate what we are allowed to value or believe. The Left has managed to establish this new tyranny by orchestrating a religious-like state, using allies incrementally developed by the political process of dividing us, and dictating what is acceptable in the name of society, and its undefined betterment. If their religion had a name it might be called the “Church of the Deciders.”

Though the Tea Party movement has a very strong element that wants to keep any social or cultural issues away from the three core elements they fight for, fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free markets, it is becoming apparent this is not enough. The unraveling of our culture is affecting all these areas as well. Businesses are being sued, ridiculous rules are being written for the “PC code,” people are being fired over comments or attitudes that have become forbidden by this code.  In just one example out of hundreds, observe how everyone in business has had to adopt some form of being “green” just to comply with the whole notion that man is destroying his own home planet merely by existing. Classifications of people are now determined to be either good or bad, of being subjected to law, or exempt from it. Woe be it to any party that gets caught in the politically correct snare, sanctions will be forthcoming!

So here we are in 2011, and our own country is becoming extremely foreign to us due to this insidious new religion. The Left has managed to use the government and media to establish a fervor in the name of “the greater good.” They will be the self-appointed stewards in charge of making sure the new commandments are adhered to. There are some new beliefs to learn, some new values to hold to, and some irresponsible behaviors to emulate, along with below average expectations, and a new immoral national character to embrace! So “don’t ask and don’t tell,” don’t worry about a flood of illegals strolling into the country, don’t profile people that worship out of a book that tells them to “destroy us wherever they find us,” don’t try and think for yourselves, don’t believe that government experts can’t solve any ill you may have, don’t question “kinetic military actions” or the end of drilling for oil here, (not now, not ever), but you are permitted to believe in the windmill!  Don’t doubt that your health should not be your business, or the pills provided by the men in black will not provide a wonderful death experience for you, or your loved ones, and above all never try and use logic of any kind!

The real churches are a force for good, and a competition for the Left’s false creation, and the works they perform are based on real and voluntary traditions of compassion for their fellow man and following the guidance of God. They promote self reliance and not dependency. The liberals therefore try to marginalize real religions. They have worked hard to put in place their alternative to them. Recently in its narrative they claimed that we are no longer a Christian nation, and questions if we ever were. They wish for us all to throw our moral compass overboard and leave the navigation to them.

For those that have not yet succumbed and been converted to the Left’s idea of religion, the article Christianity As An Influence On The Founding Fathers, John A. Sterling (Dec. 2001), does a great job of addressing the question; is America still a Christian nation? However, in today’s insane world, read it at your own risk, for surely both the Founders, and us normal thinking people, will be held to be on the wrong side of the new religion!

Message from Rob McKenna-Tax Day Rally

Can you believe it? “We don’t care what happened in the last election.”

That’s right, it’s less than six months since the historic 2010 election, and already the far-left protestors screaming for media attention are pretending it didn’t happen.

In fact, one hard-core tax-and-spend advocate summed up their position succinctly at last week’s protests in Olympia: “We don’t care what happened in the last election.”

Don’t you think that the message voters sent last year was clear enough?

Last fall, voters in our state resoundingly rejected a state income tax and repealed new taxes on candy, bottled water and other items. At the same time they passed, yet again, a 2/3 majority rule for passing tax increases, a measure that majority Democrats have repeatedly ignored and repealed.

No, that message should be clear enough, even for a screaming protester.

Washington voters rejected tax hikes on struggling families and told the Olympia crowd – Make do with the taxes you already take!

It’s not that far-left extremists, some of whom were arrested storming the governor’s office in the capitol last week, didn’t hear that message. They just don’t like it and think your elected officials should ignore it.

And that’s why the mob was cheering when they heard “We don’t care what happened in the last election.”

Now that’s a pretty galling statement. The far-left position is that everything the voters said last year should be ignored, and they made their voices loud and clear in Olympia last week. They received the media attention they wanted.

Unfortunately, average taxpayers don’t necessarily have the time to drive down to Olympia and encourage legislators to hold the line on taxes. They have families to raise, jobs to do and businesses to keep afloat.

So, I do want you to know about one opportunity, perhaps a little closer to your home, where you can make your voice heard. Tomorrow, April 15, I’ll be speaking at Bellevue City Hall to the Tax Day Rally 2011 at 11:00 a.m. It will be a great event where we celebrate our state and stand up for the majority of people who DO care what happened in the last election.

I hope to see you there.

All the best,

Rob McKenna

How to Spell Irresponsible…

Sure is a lot of undeserved back-slapping going on in Washington DC (Elitist Central Control) over having reached a budget compromise.

It is clear that many who hold the reins of power do not like the message they received in November, and have now elected to pretend that us Americans concerned for the unsustainable amount of increasing debt & spending should be the ones who need to get a grip.

Sometimes pictures say it best. Our friend AF Branco captures what just transpired beautifully!

Please visit:

A.F.Branco cartoons are powered by donations.
Please go to the website www.comicallyincorrect.com and make a donation
Any amount is very appreciated, and will keep
the cartoons coming.

Objects to be Manipulated Into Serfdom

Objects to be Manipulated Into Serfdom

ROC Editorial
[Appears in Newsletter ROC Issue #14-2011]

Objects. That’s us, the American people. The people can be manipulated by words. Those engaged in the perpetual game of acting as Santa Claus, for anyone that has their hands out, in order to retain power for themselves, have shown this to be their attitude to the citizens of this nation. So after decades of this style of governing, our country is in real trouble. Too many people have been partners in this tango of deceit.

It would be one thing if those dispersing all the goodies were the actual owners of the treasures in the first place, and they wished to have them redistributed among themselves, but of course this is not, and has never been, the case. They need productive makers and innovators to loot from. They need the power to force others to comply.

What is happening here now is what has happened around the world by people who were gullible and susceptible to the words of manipulators who hide behind a paper thin veneer of legitimacy based upon their ability to exploit the hardships of the truly needy.

It is sickening to watch so many of our fellow countrymen either enable or participate in this despicable behavior that is so immoral, and so destructive to our society. It is disgraceful to think of all the efforts devoted to the basic tenet of lying your way through life to protect a power sharing racket, based on creating alliances for the purpose of enabling legalized theft and redistributing stolen goods. Yet we see so much evidence of this everyday. From voter fraud, hidden government records, judges ignoring objectivity, outright fabrications like global warming, backroom deals of bribery and extortion, all of it meant to consolidate power over other people. Even those we used to hold in high esteem seem to have no problem with lying their way through life, as we recently witnessed in Wisconsin with doctors writing false sick notes to the unionized teachers that actively sought them out.

This week has given us some hope however. We see real leaders stepping forward and offering a just, compassionate and logical path that ends the perpetual looting game, and restores accountable and responsible government that the good people are finally demanding. The Tea Party movement is comprised of these people that we traditionally think of when we think of America. Honest, hardworking, with a strong sense of family and moral principles who want to preserve the heritage of a great country that lives in freedom and looks out for their fellow man.

Paul Ryan’s budget plan is exactly the type of reform that we need to set this country back on course.  The Democrats are trying to lie to the people, Paul Ryan is giving us the truth! The course lain by Pelosi, Reid, and Obama ends as a smashed wreck on the rocks, with America broken, and its people subservient, and no longer with a say in their own government, while also deprived of any individual liberty. It ends this way only if we allow ourselves to be treated as objects, who were easily manipulated into supporting the dishonest, who are always consumed by the need for power.

However, under the Ryan plan, America regathers both its moral compass, and its strength. A Santa Claus method of favoritism in exchange for power requires an endless supply of other people’s money, taken by force, that is unsustainable. This gangster system needs to be thwarted for good now, no matter how much temporary sacrifice this requires, because when it violently expires eventually and inevitably, after all the money is gone, and our country is in its death throes, the pain will be far, far greater.

The Democrats did not pass a budget because they decided it would be easier to deceive the public by attacking any Republican plan.  The President’s proposal for a budget was a continuation of the irresponsibility and dishonesty he wishes to perpetuate.

So what will happen? Will we become a nation which succumbed to lying words, from liars, who would have us believe they are helping the weak, or will we follow a true path to reform our broken and exploited system to restore the real America?

Via WSJ Paul Ryan: The GOP Path to Prosperity

In a related article on deceit, please read Thomas Sowell’s piece at Creators Syndicate on Political Statistics.  Politicians use of assumptions allow them to mold just about any report to read the way they want it to read. If their assumptions are garbage, their report will be too!

Paying For Free Lunch

Harry Reid thinks the taxpayers who have found a voice in the the form of the Tea Party movement have it all wrong…

What did Milton Friedman say about those that think like Harry Reid?


Let’s Be Clear…

Obama is fond of saying this.

If anything gets much clearer for America under Obama’s leadership, based on how the media will report it, then expect bats to start falling from the night’s sky as they suffer catastrophic mid air collisions in their sonar deprived blindness. We know the lapdogs are just doing what they are told to do as caucus team players, parrot the talking points, but the rest of us can see even they are beginning to squirm more now at the lies and audacity, and feel the need to shower more often.

No real explanation as to why Obama chose to start a new war without any real national interest, not even the ministers of propaganda are able to spin it well.

Maybe we can get a clear explanation on what social engineering did for our housing values? Or maybe, why people like Barney Franks or Chris Dodd are not in prison for their roles in the outright extortion and ponzi schemes they devised and supported resulting in the predictable and subsequent collapse of the mortgage financing sector?

This country has tremendous reserves of untapped energy resources and the technology know-how to safely extract them, and put them to productive use to aid our economic vitality, but what is very clear is that those invested in their own power will not permit this course for our future, not while they hold the reins.

Here is what is crystal clear to the average taxpayer, that there are way too many people playing games with the truth. A trip to the grocery store for life’s necessities is becoming a budget management exercise (that used to be reserved for planning summer vacation spending) as both food and gasoline prices are soaring.

The Democrats own the budget mess.  Any shutdown that is needed due to their reckless spending over the last four years is, and should be, pinned squarely where it belongs, on them! This country only reached a ten trillion dollar deficit in October of 2008 but now we are well past $14 trillion! Granting another raise of the debt ceiling would clearly be an outrage against the consent of the people, so our experience tells us watch out, they will find a deceitful or underhanded way of doing this and the GOP will cave in to it, despite our protests, or the damning long term affects to our posterity.

During campaigns we hear much about trimming wasteful and overlapping programs in our federal government. We know there are tons of them and the waste and fraud and abuse of taxpayers money is rampant.  Now is the time to get down to the work of paring off all this fat, as their carbon footprints on our pocketbooks is far too big.

Both parties could also look at the barriers to their power imposed by the US Constitution that they have so willfully destroyed through overreach, or just ignored for decades, and see that maybe that wasn’t such a hot idea. So many burdensome rules and regulations have been created nobody can know or comply with them all, and the free enterprise racehorse of the past is burdened with an estimate 20% of its own weight by all these, while still being expected to compete globally. While the real issues of our country like national security, energy independence, effective education, crime, moral decline, poverty etc. have not improved, and in fact worsened under central planning, our government takes an ever larger share of the cargo area in our 747 jumbo jet economy while telling us all to shut up, and sit down, and do as we are told.

Failure and incompetence without accountability is business as usual for these people, and they want to tell us how we should live? No way! We can clearly see that their interference is what is clouding our future!

Let us be clear! Let us set the conversation! Those in Washington need the message recited over again and again, they may call us any name they wish, they can blame us for their dead bats too, but we have had it, we are watching them closely in greater numbers than they think, we expect the truth, responsible and accountable government, and clearly we need to continue to let them know it!

Still Searching for Marizela

Via Michelle Malkin:
Find Marizela: Support bracelets and fund-raisers
By Michelle Malkin • March 28, 2011 03:16 PM

It has now been 23 days since my cousin, 18-year-old University of Washington student Marizela Perez, disappeared in the Seattle area. I wish I could tell you good news. We have had a private investigator on the case the past week. Several leads have been followed. But Marizela is still missing.

Use tag “Marizela” on Malkin site to read all the articles pertaining to her sudden disappearance and the search efforts.

Please help in any way you can.

Tax Day Rallys in Evergreen State

Location: North Steps – Olympia Capitol Building, 416 Sid Snyder Ave
Date: April 15th, 2011
Time: 2 PM
Sponsor: Tea Party Patriots, Freedom Foundation, co-sponsor: AFP, Tacoma 912 Group, Lakewood Chamber of Commerce
Theme: Push Forward
Link: http://pushforward.eventbrite.com/

Location: Guide Meridian near Bellis Fair Parkway
Date: April 15th, 2011
Time: 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Sponsor: Bellingham Tea Party
Theme: We’re Not Going Away

Location: Snohomish County Courthouse, 3000 Rockefeller Avenue
Date: April 15th, 2011
Time: Noon to 2 PM
Sponsor: Sno-Isle Tea Party (formerly Everett Tea Party)

Bellevue AM
Location: Bellevue City Hall
Date: April 15th, 2011
Time: 11 AM to 1:30 PM
Sponsor: Song of Truth Foundation, Washington Conservative Enthusiasts
Theme: Rob McKenna Bellevue Tax Day rally
Link: http://www.songoftruth.org/events/bellevue-tax-day-2011

Bellevue PM
Location: Factoria, corner of Factoria Blvd and SE 36th St
Date: April 15th, 2011
Time: 5 PM to 7 PM
Sponsor: Issaquah/Sammamish Tea Party and the Renton/Kent Tea Party Patriots
Theme: Who Decides? and FAIR TAX
Link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=168046393244626

Location: 2nd St Park, 2nd St. & Yakima Ave.
Date: April 15th, 2011
Time: 3 PM to 5 PM
Sponsor: Yakima Tea Party – 9.12 Project
Theme: It Ain’t Over

Location: Okanogan County Courthouse, Intersection of 3rd Avenue and Norman
Date: April 15th, 2011
Time: 5:30 PM
Sponsor: Lewiston-Clarkston Tea Party

Location: John Dam Plaza, Richland WA
Date: April 15th, 2011
Time: 4 PM to 6 PM
Sponsor: TriCities Tea Party
Theme: FairTax

Location: Corners of Washington & Sequim Avenue
Date: April 15th, 2011
Time: 11 AM to 1 PM
Sponsor: Concerned Citizens of Clallam County

Missing Person, Malkin Cousin, Marizela Perez


March 15, 2011

Searching for Marizela: New videos, message from her parents & an army of volunteers

Please read the update above which includes new info released to the public, and continue to keep an eye out for any sign of Marizela.

Searching for Marizela: An update

By Michelle Malkin  •  March 8, 2011 09:44 AM

SEATTLE — The photo above from Marizela’s friends/family shows the tattoo on her left inner arm that reads “lahat ay magiging maayos” — a Tagalog saying for “all will be well.”

Thanks so much to all of you for your prayers and for helping to spread the word across the Internet.

Thanks to many friends/contacts in the Seattle-area media who covered her disappearance over the past few days, including:

Seattle Times
KOMO radio’s John Carlson and KOMO TV’s Shomari Stone

Marizela still hasn’t been heard from or seen by family since Saturday.

The Seattle PD says it has probable visual identification of Marizela boarding the Othello train near her home in the Rainier Beach area and commuting into the University District during the noon hour on Saturday. A Seattle PD detective from the missing persons bureau says there’s evidence that she was last seen Saturday afternoon at the Safeway in the city’s University District on 4732 Brooklyn Ave NE between 1-2pm. At some point during that time, purchases were made on her debit card.

The police say they “have no reason to suspect foul play” at this point. There are several reasons and grim evidence that cause the family to remain gravely concerned about Marizela’s safety, health, and well-being. As mentioned yesterday in the flyers the family is handing out, Marizela was taking anti-depressants and has been for some time. As my family gets on the ground to continue the search for Marizela, please continue to get the word out to anyone in the Seattle-area you know. Here’s the updated info on her last known location/time. If anyone saw or talked to her in the University District Saturday afternoon or has seen her since, please contact law enforcement ASAP:

Name: Marizela “Mei” Perez

Date Missing: Saturday March 5, 2011; Last seen between 1-2 P.M.

Last Seen: Safeway in University District (4732 Brooklyn Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105)

Possible Routes: Sound Link Light Rail stations, downtown/Chinatown areas, UW Seattle campus, U-district

Description: Asian female, 5’5” tall, 110 lbs, skinny build, asymmetrical bob with short bangs and brown/red highlights hairstyle, tattoo on left inner arm with the words ‘lahat ay magiging maayos’, last seen wearing a dark jacket with hood, denim jeans, light brown suede laced boots, possibly wearing green eye contacts, possibly carrying a plaid backpack with a Macbook Pro laptop, taking medication for depression.

Please contact if you have any information regarding this person:
Jasmin: 609 – 742 – 2360
Edgar: 609 – 646 – 0905
Melinda: 206 – 760 – 1822
Joy: 609 – 742 – 2336


Please see this post by Michelle Malkin

Her cousin is missing somewhere in the Seattle Area

Missing: Marizela Perez

Here’s more info we’re trying to spread via Facebook and Q13Fox/KCPQ in Seattle:


Name: Marizela Perez

Date Missing: March 5, 2011, 12:00-12:30 P.M.

Last Seen: Rainier Beach area, heading to UW Seattle campus to meet friends for lunch or study in the UW libraries

Possible Routes: Sound Link Light Rail stations, downtown/Chinatown areas, UW Seattle campus, U-district

Description – Asian female, 5’5” tall, 110 lbs, skinny build, asymmetrical bob with short bangs and brown/red highlights hairstyle, tattoo on left inner arm with the words ‘lahat ay magiging maayos’, last seen wearing denim jeans, light brown suede laced boots, possibly wearing green eye contacts, possibly carrying a plaid backpack with a Macbook Pro laptop, taking medication for depression.

Left Plans for Social Justice Initiative in Seattle

Washington’s Left is engaging in a big push for “social justice” in Seattle, and they will get national support from groups like the ACLU and ACORN [and their renamed satellites] and count on official support within our government at the city, county, and state levels for this as well.

The gist, or core of their initiative is to give special power to one group, or sets of groups, over other people in order to make everything equal.  This of course is not justice at all.  It is social engineering at the expense of liberty and individual rights. The idea that individuals that happen to belong to a particular classification entitles them to be given different rights is both denigrating to those individuals in that group, and of course, it is anti-liberty and in opposition to our constitutional principles.

The past, which is indefensible because for long periods of time that many individuals, especially minorities, were denied true equality and liberty based on a physical description, cannot now be used to justify “group” or “positive rights” trumping the sovereignty of the individual. Only the same exact rights for all is equality. When we have reached the point where rights only start at the level of a favored group, than all rights are lost forever, and the individual becomes subservient to whomever the current power holders are, or will be. We would no longer be Americans.

The following essay shines some light on this main issue which now divides Americans.

The Petition of Positive Rights
ROC Op/Ed March-2011

What would we find out about our friends and neighbors political views were we to prepare and circulate the “Petition for Positive Rights?”

The following core ideology is what is embodied in such a petition:

In order for society to exist and function in a fair, compassionate, and just manner, certain groups must be given preferential treatment over other groups, and individual rights are necessarily secondary… in all cases, for the greater good. The experts in government are best suited to administer these decisions for the people, and enforce compliance to these societal rights. The people are entitled to positive rights to eliminate any and all inequities that may arise, if a society is to be responsible and responsive to the people. Our Constitution did not anticipate modern problems, therefore omitting these positive rights was, and remains its great flaw in need of correction.

Taking this petition door to door would be a great experiment in discovery.  Many citizens would sign it outright, in full agreement. They are already convinced that others should be responsible for their needs. Others might too, without even seriously considering for an instant that they had just agreed to forgo their own personal liberty or freedom to choose how to live, and assign it to government “experts.” People that value freedom however would be rightly taken aback, in shock and horror that anyone in America would be calling for an end of freedom in a petition, and inciting a call for permanent servitude.

The problem is, that regardless of whether or not any such actual petition is in existence, increasingly the American people have been consciously or unconsciously adopting this doctrine since the 1920’s when social liberalism first got real traction in our country. FDR’s “New Deal” then set us on the path of an ever-expanding welfare state, that has grown to monstrous and unsustainable proportions, is corrupt beyond belief, and has placed the most prosperous nation ever in the history of mankind on a destination for inevitable and complete economic, social, and moral collapse. Meanwhile the morality and values previously widely shared among our citizens accustomed to living in liberty, have rapidly spiraled downward into an overall decay of civility in our society as a direct consequence.

The “Petition of Positive Rights” is a direct contradiction to what our U.S. Constitution spells out on how we are to be self-governed, based on equal individual, not collective, rights. Yet, for decades now, we have allowed those whom have sworn to all to uphold our Constitution to get away with ignoring it and imposing that collectivism. While they publicly swear to uphold and defend it, they never fully do, and instead spend their terms busily playing the game of trying to get power for their own favored groups. All the while the individual is stolen from, and is left unrepresented, without having given his or her consent. Leadership has come to mean choosing in favor of “the favored” by the elite “deciders” at all levels of government, but especially by the federal government.

There is very little doubt left that President Obama believes in the “Petition of Positive Rights.” Millions have listened to the audio tape of him speaking precisely to his beliefs for this. He, along with Holder’s Justice Department are not disguising how they are selectively following laws, giving special treatment to some groups depending on their favored status with him, while ignoring the individual rights of the people or groups not in favor with him, based on his agenda. And to him, the radical federal court rulings of the past were not radical enough for not cementing in place new “positive rights.” Positive rights are whatever government says they are.

Speaking of the Warren Court its interpretation of the Constitution during the Civil Rights movement, Obama said, “It wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution. At least as it’s been interpreted and more important interpreted in the same way that, generally, the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties; says what the states can’t do to you, what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the state government or federal government must do on your behalf.”

This audio tape was made public before Obama was elected, and still he was elected. It is very clear that the Left is determined to agitate, aggravate, and exploit those already dependent, until they in turn demand that even more of the decisions be placed into governments hands, and of course, the people’s money as well.  Obama is leading them in the destruction of our constitutional principles using these techniques.
Positive rights are really about relinquishing personal power, and giving it to nameless, faceless bureaucrats. Obama does not explain that everything government does for one entity can only be done at the expense of, and to, another entity.

One favored and protected group in particular, the so-called mainstream media, has enabled the advance of the Petitioners, and the demise of our liberty, by themselves becoming dependent on the elitists. Ironically their special protected status was always meant to help ensure liberty, and guard against them becoming dependent on governments in power as a check to it. But those who become dependent are no longer free to choose what they say or do.  Now, to keep their own favored group status, they must comply and be subservient to their masters. Having a near monopoly on the information dispensed for public consumption, and dutifully reporting it based on a biased “consensus” acceptable to their masters has worn thin on many people. The old media is now widely distrusted by any freedom loving American, while the more trusted new media alternatives are vilified and denigrated by both them and the insiders for not playing along. Clearly, informing our families, friends, our neighbors, the young, and the old, on what they are being asked to choose between, and what is at stake, from these opposing sides in this war for our future, now depends greatly on us speaking up and fighting against their propaganda.

There is no room to compromise with these beliefs by the Left, and those capitulating to them on the Right, and still maintain liberty.  We are either going to be free to earn our own way in life, or we will become subservient to our new masters who will have wrestled away each and every last right from us, and redistributed everything about who we are as Americans.

Our Founders knew real justice in a system of government depended on protecting the smallest group, the individual, from infringement by any other group, of any size. They knew the most likely abuser of this would be our own government, due to man’s very nature.  Our heritage though is not to select the weakest among us, only empowered through stolen rights and money, to dictate to the strong. Yet the Petitioners act as if this is the answer somehow. Our Founders saw the true potential for all mankind lay in the strength and abilities of the free individual, and they were right.

Our freedom movements have our own petition, we call it the U.S. Constitution, and it has served us well when it has been followed. Now let us petition our leaders to remember this.

This is the war we absolutely must win.

Which will prevail, our Constitution, or the Petition of Positive Rights?

[Article reprinted with permission RightingOurConsent.com]

WA 4 WI Rally


“WA 4 WI – Justice for Taxpayers” Rally
Saturday, February 26 at 11:00 am!
*The Time Has Come For Taxpayers to Stand Up for Justice!*


Tomorrow, Olympia will be ground zero in the battle to restore our founding principles and fiscal accountability!

The forces of Big Labor, Big Government and MoveOn.org will be marching into Olympia because they know that their power is threatened by those of us who believe in economic freedom and limited government.

Those who have enriched themselves on the backs of taxpayers think that they will be able to flex their muscle and keep the gravy train of our tax dollars flowing into their coffers.

But you and I will be there to stop them!


Tomorrow’s rally will begin at 11 AM sharp! All activists are urged to arrive early as the Unions are holding their Worker Solidarity Rally at Noon just around the corner! We will be at the Capitol Steps on the north side.

Washington shares the same public sector union problem as Wisconsin.  We agree with the stand that Gov. Scott Walker is taking and want to see similar reforms take place here in Washington.  Our budget is comparable –state pensions and union collective bargaining has got a stranglehold on our taxpayers.

Ending union monopolies is a conversation that we should be having here in our state and there are other proposals that would shift the balance of power back where it belongs –in taxpayers’ hands.

This rally is not an attack on the individual public employees who are our friends, neighbors, and fellow taxpayers.  It is about the unhealthy relationship between union leaders and state lawmakers that is forcing our state into bankruptcy!

All activists are encouraged to bring signs.

Spread the Word!
Pass along this info via your email network.
Call your friends, family and co-workers.
Tweet about the rally (use the hashtag #WA4WI).
Post updates to your Facebook account.
Organize Carpools.

Be sure to bring your cameras and cell phones. The media will be heavily focused on this event. Posting pictures and video through Twitter, Facebook and YouTube will be critical in getting our message out and winning this battle.

What: “WA 4 WI – Justice for Taxpayers” Rally
When: Saturday, Feb 26 at 11:00AM
Where: Capitol, North Steps in Olympia

Yours in freedom,

Nansen Malin
Washington State Director
Americans for Prosperity

New Social Network Vulnerablity- “Fake Persona” Software


The various freedom movements, full of members motivated to seek each other out,  have had phenomenal growth enabled by the convenience of several social networking sites on the internet. The beauty of the whole setup is that we have effectively bypassed the media, and their propaganda, to get to the truth.  Most of our groups have learned that we need to moderate our own sites for both spam and the deliberately disruptive, we tend to call “trolls.  But a recent article by “Social Media Examiner”,  Sean Kerrigan, tells us that we are now entering a whole new game– and it is being spearheaded by our own government.


Read it, and please pass this information on to your members!

US Gov. Software Creates ‘Fake People’ on Social Networks to Promote Propaganda

The US government is offering private intelligence companies contracts to create software to manage “fake people” on social media sites and create the illusion of consensus on controversial issues.

The contract calls for the development of  “Persona Management Software” which would help the user create and manage a variety of distinct fake profiles online. The job listing was discussed in recently leaked emails from the private security firm HBGary after an attack by internet activist last week.

Teachers Giving America a Lesson on Entitlement Mentality

Who knew responsibly tightening ones financial belt would cause such massive wide spread agony among the parasitic?

Staving Off the Entitlement Flu

Woe be it to the poor governor of any state that tries the new elixir being called “Fiscal Responsibility to the Taxpayers” without preparing for the ensuing pathogenic consequences!
Just when we thought that flu season was about to end for the year, an outbreak of Wi-Madison flu has struck with a wholly illogical vengeance!

Though the evidence is not official, it seems that the influenza strain is a direct result of having to swallow a bitter pill of reality. This medicine causes all sorts of side effects previously undiscovered in recent years… due to the unavailability of this prescription!

Here is just a partial list of severe symptoms and immediate reactions:

  • Widespread sickness sets in on certain select overcompensated professions
  • Shuts down all public schools, leaving the children unfed
  • The infected will mass together at non infected homes and state capitols
  • Causes aggravated, heated, angry, and uncivil rhetoric, complete with cross-hair signs and Nazi symbols
  • Causes the president to comment, and subliminally empathize with the stricken
  • Causes hostage negotiators to fly in and offer to broker a cure
  • Causes certain legislators to flee their jobs for “undisclosed” locations
  • Causes the media to use the words “undisclosed” and “unfair” repeatedly

Fiscal healers are cautioned to take the following precautions if planning to dispense this same treatment option:

  • Call out the National Guard and have them move all state owned buses to flooded areas where they cannot be used
  • Tow any new high end Mercedes or Corvettes parked about town, as they belong to the union leaders spreading the flu
  • Call the undisclosed location, and offer money to owners to house legislative refugees there until new special elections are held to replace them
  • Tell the media that someone coordinated the whole thing from Wasilla,Alaska and give them plane tickets
  • Pass out free Obama T-shirts to crowds so they know protests are over
  • Schedule and announce Lady Gaga will appear immediately in a neighboring town and there will be more T-shirts
  • Set up a training day for teachers so they will understand their pink slips
  • Tell students that they will need to make up two days for every day their teachers are out… and provide them picket signs that say “Get back to work!”

This advice meets the new Obama guidelines for preventative care, and if the kids aren’t in school how the heck is Michelle going to be able to direct what they eat?

See more of AF Branco’s great toons at www.comicallyincorrect.com

Merry Christmas


Eastside Tea Party Blog wishes you a Merry Christmas

Eastside Tea Party Blog wishes you a Merry Christmas

Our friends at the Traditional American Movement, along with the Righting Our Consent team, have sent a cool Christmas card to share. If you are interested in finding no nonsense patriots that are looking for common ground with any conservative group and working at taking back self government without any of the turf war stuff we recommend checking out their sites.


We, the people of:
The Traditional American Movement and Righting Our Consent
Wish You A Merry Christmas!

Click card to open, use your mouse to hover over figures in card once you have opened it! Enjoy!

Click on card to open

Oops… did you click on your card above to “start it?” This interactive card is meant for us all to enjoy at Christmas time.

Those of another faith are also wished glad tidings and happy holidays!

Enjoy everyone, and Happy New Year to you, and yours!

Please forward this card to family and friends and have them join us.

The Traditional American Movement
Righting Our Consent

Leading & Courageous Women

As a male participant and witness of the phenomenal political change that materialized over the last two years in reaction to another “change,” and with the year coming to a close,  I wished to share what should be an undeniable observation.  The revolution against an elitist, out-of-control, big spending, big government establishment was spearheaded by courageous women. An often heard complaint in the tea party movement is that supposed conservatives in government seem afraid to stand for that they profess to believe in. We wish those in government would heed the example these ladies continue to exhibit.

While many sat on the sidelines and wrung their hands over what was occurring in DC, it was women who took the bold, fearless steps in opposition to it. They inspired us by the millions eventually, and ignited something never before seen in this country which came to be known as the Tea Party movement.

To be sure, there where also many deserving men to be credited as well– who were also out in front.  However, the top spots belong to these lady warriors in my book.

When this observer thinks of the tea party beginnings, and its amazing growth, these five women are at the very top of the list as major catalysts for propelling the movement.

Michelle Malkin– The conservative blogger and syndicated writer who pulls no punches to expose government corruption, or their hypocrisy and irresponsibility. She constantly proves that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

Keli Carender-An inspired Malkin reader and someone that decided to take action despite living in one of the most liberal places in the country. On February 16, 2009, Keli organized and conducted the nation’s very first “Porkulus Protest” days before the infamous Rick Santelli rant in Chicago. ( Malkin even sent trays of roasted pork for the event) Keli then went on to organize the Seattle Sons and Daughters of Liberty as a resource for other grass root participants.

Michele Bachmann-The Congresswoman targeted by Soros, and the worst elements on the left, for her outspoken and strong stance for constitutional, limited, and fiscally responsible government, who became one of the earliest elected officials in support of the tea party movement, and went on to found the Tea Party Caucus in the House.

Sarah Palin-The former Alaskan Governor and Republican Vice President Candidate in the 2008 election became an even more hated target of the left when she appeared at the national Tea Party convention in February 2010 as the keynote speaker, and encouraged the grassroots movement to continue in that vein, and resist any attempts of top down direction– and in the process pushed the “upstart” tea party movement into the mainstream political discussion for good.

Amy Kremer– An early organizer for Atlanta Tea Party, one of the nation’s largest tea party groups, and later as a spokesperson on the Tea Party Express bus tours that traversed the country, Amy often was the face of the tea party for the media in its early stages, and at other major national events.

These warrior women were not alone, but they were fearlessly out front– many, many times.  You have to respect their guts, and wonder if the tea party movement would have ignited the way it did without any of them.

We are indebted to these fearless and relentless fighters, and this is just a very small blog’s recognition for what they have accomplished. These women battle for what this country stands for, and deserve to be  recognized and thanked for it.

Beyond this, is the hope that their example might inspire many of our elected representatives to take the same fearless and bold steps toward restoring a principled, and respectful style of government that knows the limits of its contract with the people.

These women have shown us all how much can really be accomplished by their examples of guts and determination to do what is right, and getting it done.

Thanking, Supporting Our Troops

When it came to being there for our troops, Bob Hope takes top honors.  Yet all of us can find a way to thank and support those who put it all on the line for us everyday so that we can remain free.

Please use the following link to find and evaluate those on the home front dedicated to assisting us in that support.

Citizen Support

Thank you

December 1969 Connie Stevens & Bob Hope perform for our troops

The Rarest Thing In Washington D.C.

Originally posted at Liberty4 US blog

While it is true that honesty, integrity, common sense, or ethical behavior seem rare these days in Washington, D.C., there is another glaring rarity that is so obvious that most cannot see it.  Those that are the closest, who work there, are the least likely of all to see.

In fact, it may require some distance to observe this basic truth. For the further away one is, the more likely one is to suffer ill effects due to the very rarity of this entity.

The rarest thing in Washington is a product this country needs the most.

What is it that is so rare?

The rarest thing created in Washington, D.C. is… good law.

On one hand we should recognize and respect these people for the sacrifice they make in serving us, but on the other we deserve much better. Lawmakers there have a nearly impossible task given the scope of the role most of them now believe they own. Logistically, they just do not have time to construct good law.  They no longer seem to understand their job descriptions as decreed by the people. Who can blame them though, with the federal courts continuously handing out findings that seem to indicate we have moved beyond our Constitution, in the name of progress, which leads them to believe in an ever expanding role for themselves, and the part they must play? Great cover, having unelected activist judges provide the “business of Washington” rules. They also believe that they are primarily there to make law, so they go about making multitudes of new laws for us all to follow.  And therein lays the problem. Hundreds of new laws, and tens of thousands of new rules to enforce them are created by them yearly. And their product is not very good. Have you looked at our federal tax laws?

Since we citizens are not all the same, and have such a wide variety of differing needs and interests for ourselves and communities, making laws to be applied equally to everybody across the land is no small design challenge. And the fact of the matter is, the design challenge is rarely ever met at all.

As an analogy imagine trying come up with a sound bridge design which must accommodate all the people, all the time, and handle any and all contingencies, and also be safe, and do this in a few days, weeks, or even months. In fact, such a bridge would be nearly impossible to even design or to make, ever.

Any such undertaking of this magnitude should also be rare.  But this is not what happens in Washington, D.C.. What happens there is that reams of new “problems” are brought to a lawmakers attention, and he or she is expected to come up with equitable solutions.  So they go about the process of making new laws via the bill procedures. After all they are called “lawmakers.”

Originally, when the elected adhered to our Constitution and understood their job, lawmakers were supposed to congregate in our U.S. capital to decide on important solutions primarily concerned with protecting the citizenry from external threats to their lives, liberty, pursuit of happiness and property.  They then returned home to report to their constituents and state legislators. When Congress stuck to those actual responsibilities, they had far fewer laws to make than what they undertake now, and they actually had a chance to design and construct good laws. Somewhere along the line however, they decided that they were really there to decide for us citizens what to do about anything and everything. Having given themselves authority they do not have, they are now overwhelmed by it.

Today a “problem” is more likely to be a “special interest” or ideological wish list, rather than any actual national distress or threat needing a new law for a solution.  The lobbyist who represents money…


Fire & Fixed Bayonets

Via Righting Our Consent Newsletter


A military wife and mother of 4 lets loose, and we can relate to every word she writes…

“One of the most powerful blog posts I have ever read.”

“Thank you for writing what I think. I’m sending this to all

contacts. Bless you.”

“Beautiful. Spot on and deeply appreciated.”

“An excellent account of what most Americans think and feel despite the impression of reality the left’s many delusional factions attempt to manufacture.”

Via  the blog Stop Shouting

My Rebuttal to a Progressive who Admonished Me to Play Nice ….

The following rebuttal is mine alone. I do not speak for my husband, for my friends, for my children, but solely for myself.

I am tired of being told to sit down and shut up.

I am tired of being told what I can and can not say.

What is “acceptable”, while my ideas and values are mocked and trampled.


Enough. I have had enough.

I remained stoic when…

continue reading)

Is AP Trying to Influence RNC Division?

Via Barrington Tea Party, Illinois

Should Michael Steele remain the RNC Chairman?

Here’s an interesting recent blog post about RNC Chairman Michael Steele, and his ties to Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady.


The news media (not exactly the most reliable source of information for conservative Republicans) has also been pushing a new narrative recently about Michael Steele, as shown by this article.


Various Tea Party groups have also been bashing Michael Steele recently.  A few individuals have suggested that Sarah Palin might be good in this role, if she chooses not to run for President, but that may not be her best move.  She has more freedom to endorse and support candidates by not taking any party leadership role, and by not helping to fund those who remain part of the problem.



The posturing and positioning for 2012 is well underway, and we can count on the information distributors to try and shape the battlefield to their advantage.


Conservative ROC Newsletter Teams With TradAm

The newsletter is teamed up with The Traditional American Movement (TradAm) Forum where there is a core group of strong conservatives. This site has all the tools we need to inform and inspire others.

You owe yourself the time to check it out.

From TradAm TV to the Common Ground Project and all the discussions in between you will find that this is a place where Traditional Americans are fighting for our values and principles and to preserve the American way of life!  Your conservative group or blogs links and banners are allowed on the site also.

The Traditional American Movement

We the People have been provoked into action lately.

We are not going to simply stand by silently and watch a few power hungry elitists change what America stands for and usurp our authority for self rule.

So we have witnessed incredible organization and educational activities by many different traditional American groups arising against the absurd idea that we ever relinquished self government and ceded power to a big government, big brother authoritarian rule.

Friends at the Traditional American Movement website have created a great meeting place for these different groups to further communication in the fight to restore confidence in a government that actually represents us again.

Conservative Discussions on Topics That Matter

The Righting Our Consent Newsletter ran this yesterday-

Big news for great friends this week!

Our like-minded friends at The Traditional American Movement worked their tails off to get the main website open for the public on Veterans Day, and are pleased to announce the site is now online and open for conservatives like you to become involved.

Additionally, we at ROC are pleased to announce that by mutual agreement with Traditional Americans we will be using their forum as our forum, to facilitate communications between our readers so you may comment on what you read here and more importantly interface with other like-minded conservatives.

ROC will also be dedicating a portion of our newsletter to the activities and announcements pertaining to The Traditional American Movement website. We will cover the news you want; from interesting blog or forum posts, to important announcements regarding activities.

Awakening Continues-Preserving Self-Government

Righting Our Consent

New Conservative Newsletter

Inaugural R.O.C. newsletter

Dear friends;  let your friends and family know about your new subscription and to recommend they also become subscribers!

Sign Up



We the People are…
Righting Our Consent
because our government is acting without it!

Inaugural Issue
September 10, 2010

Let’s put ‘We the People’ back in charge!

Outright lies. Downright corruption. Something isn’t right with our country these days.  We the people see it often now.  What is going on?  We don’t wish for foolish spending, higher taxes and ridiculous regulations that restrict us more everyday.
We want legislation we can read, and we want bills that are read, and debated in the open, but that’s not what we’re getting. Something isn’t right…

ROC Article- by PSCU’s Dan Michael

Coming Up From Underground
By Dan Michael

Before 2008, the only involvement I had in politics was voting every four years in the Presidential election. I had never supported a political candidate by donating money or putting up a yard sign.  I couldn’t name the three State legislators from my Seattle suburb, let alone explain the Bill of Rights without crib notes. But in 2008, I started sensing that too many citizens and too many mainstream media outlets were drinking kool-aid while our country was in serious trouble financially and morally. The majority of the country, and the vast majority of those in my Puget Sound community, were not only idolizing a liberal Senator with limited experience, but were about to elect him to the highest office in the world.  It was during the 2008 election that I awakened.

But the problem was, even though I was awake, I didn’t feel I had anyone to talk to who shared my conservative beliefs. In November of 2008, in the progressive greater-Seattle area, I was surrounded by Obama ’08 stickers on the bumpers of about every third car that passed me on the roads. Believe it or not, the gym I worked out at purposely blocked Fox News and only showed CNN and MSNBC on its TV sets in the cardio-workout section. The people I worked with talked about the history-making moment of electing an African-American, but if they were asked who Reverend Wright or Bill Ayers were, they had no idea.  So even though I had awakened, I felt like I was still in a nightmare. I needed to find anyone that might be conservative like me. But where to go?  The internet, of course! Thus, the Puget Sound Conservative Underground was born.

The Puget Sound Conservative Underground (PSCU) began as a social group on Meetup.com at the start of 2009 and the inauguration of President Obama. Within a few months, our membership grew as more people joined up and wanted to share online in message boards their conservative stances on politics. Realizing that in-person discussions would be more fulfilling than virtual ones, I started hosting “Coffee with Conservatives” meetups, where a dozen or so Seattleites would come up from underground for two hours on a Saturday to secretly gather in a library meeting room or coffee shop and talk about current events and politics freely, without the usual fear that our conservative beliefs would be attacked by the typical, progressives that make up most of the community.

When I think back, my only purpose for the PSCU started out as a selfish one – find others who felt like I did politically, so I could have someone to talk to instead of only screaming at the TV news alone in my living room. Then as membership kept growing online to where I had a couple of hundred fellow-conservatives saying they too felt like they had to be “underground” in liberal Puget Sound, I decided to expand beyond being merely a group for meetups. Beyond our coffee gatherings, I started promoting to fellow PSCU members the other conservative happenings in the area, such as tea party protests. I held book club meetings and movie nights. I also tried to motivate fellow-conservatives to write our politicians, albeit Democrats, and get them to see we did not want runaway spending, bailouts, and government-controlled healthcare.

Before I knew it, we had over 500 members on our Meetup.com site, and I added a Facebook.com site too, which eventually grew to over 800 members. At this same time that the Puget Sound Conservative Underground expanded, my frustration with politicians grew at an even faster pace. The Democrats in D.C. and Olympia weren’t listening to us. “Plan A” – getting our representatives to listen to the people – wasn’t working, and politicians were passing stimulus and healthcare bills against the will of the people. So I decided the PSCU needed to go to “Plan B.”

Plan B began on the first year anniversary (January, 2010) of the PSCU, with the hosting of a U.S. Senate Candidates’ Forum. Plan B was simple – have conservatives help elect a batch of new politicians who shared our values and would replace those in office who didn’t agree with us and weren’t listening to us.  Continuing after the Senate Forum, the PSCU hosted events for other Republicans running for office, in both federal and state races, so members could get to know these candidates, vet them, and find the most conservative candidates who, in our blue state, would also be the most electable. I started online polls and members shared their feelings of candidates on our website’s discussion boards, as we educated each other. I also highly promoted the importance that we must donate to these candidates’ campaigns and volunteer on their campaign teams. All of this being spearheaded by me, a political novice who only discovered Sean Hannity and Mark Levin 18 months earlier.

Will the work of the Puget Sound Conservative Underground have a lasting, positive effect besides just providing a safe outlet for conservative conversation? We’ll see on November 2. Meanwhile, members have thanked me for running this group and providing both a virtual and in-person instrument for conservatives in the liberal Puget Sound to vent and get educated. But to be honest, I need to thank my fellow members. Because by them coming up from underground and responding to a “join me” message on Meetup and Facebook, I have kept my sanity, lessened my yelling at the TV news, and learned a lot about politics and conservatism. It has been fantastic to be in contact with others who think like me. And you know what’s interesting? As more Seattleites have awakened with me, I have been seeing less Obama bumper stickers on the roads around town. Perhaps the Puget Sound Conservative Underground can get rid of the last word in our group’s title in 2011, and simply be known as the Puget Sound Conservatives.

Dan Michael lives in the Seattle suburb of Woodinville and is the organizer of the Puget Sound Conservative Underground on Meetup
pugetsoundconservativeunderground/ and Facebook

“Righting” Our Consent

We the People are…

Righting Our Consent

because our government is acting without it!

Our Inaugural Issue

September 10, 2010

Let’s put ‘We the People’ back in charge!

Sign up for Righting Our Consent newsletter!

UPDATE: Published!

Inaugural R.O.C. newsletter

Freedom is not Free

The best human condition possible is living in freedom.  Many people in this world do not believe in the natural human condition of freedom, and seek to limit it, or outright take it away.

Freedom must be guarded and protected at all times in order to be preserved. Protecting freedom sometimes has a very high cost.  Freedom is not free.

A friend has written a beautiful tribute to honor the fallen heroes that have died defending freedom for so many.

-written and performed by Lisa Mei

Not in Vain

(Free download)

Not In Vain

She held her baby tightly
Walked between those hallowed rows
Of familiar white tombstones
Bearing names of our nation’s heroes
She found the one she was looking for
With a heaviness in her chest
Tears fell as she whispered
“Here’s where your daddy was laid to rest”

She looked around saw others
Who were mourning silently
Somewhere in the distance
The sound of “Taps” echoed in the breeze
Flags were placed by grateful hearts
Where every single hero lay
Her eyes filled with tears as she said his name
That’s when she swore she heard him say:

Don’t cry, baby
You will never be alone
Lean on God to help you
Find the strength to go on
For our family and country
I gave my life in freedom’s name
Please keep liberty’s fire burning
So all I gave was not in vain.

That night she lay sleepless
His words echoed in her mind
She stared at the flag they gave her
Kept on her nightstand by her side
She heard her baby start to cry
Wiped her own tears away
Rocked her baby back to sleep
Then fell to her knees to pray

Dear Lord, I need you now
Oh, I want to do my part
To honor my baby’s daddy
Whom I loved with all my heart
Help me overcome the challenges
Sure to come my way
She began to cry when once again
She swore she heard her lover say:

Don’t cry, baby
You will never be alone
Lean on God to help you
Find the strength to go on
For our family and country
I gave my life in freedom’s name
Please keep liberty’s fire burning
So all I gave was not in vain.

Sleep finally embraced her
She dreamt that he was there
Wiping her tears away
Whispering softly in her ear…

Don’t cry, baby
You will never be alone
Lean on God to help you
Find the strength to go on
For our family and country
I gave my life in freedom’s name
Please keep liberty’s fire burning
So all I gave was not in vain.

Keep the torch of freedom burning
So all I gave was not in vain.

Copyright 2010, Lisa Mei (BigDawg Music Mafia)

You can find more of Lisa Mei’s work at


The Pelosi Index: Listing those standing against liberty

Who is among the worst of the worst?

Jay Inslee!!

via website The National Republican Trust PAC

Democrats with a score over 70%
Blue Dog Democrats with a score over 70%
Democrats in Districts won by McCain with a score over 70%
Republicans with a 0% score having never sided with Pelosi

The Ugly Usurpation

There are two types of power in government. One type is based on trust and is delegated…the other is just assumed.

“A constitution is not the act of a government, but of a people constituting a government; and government without a constitution is power without a right. All power exercised over a nation, must have some beginning. It must be either delegated, or assumed. There are not other sources. All delegated power is trust, and all assumed power is usurpation.
Time does not alter the nature and quality of either. ~Thomas Paine, Rights of Man [1791-1792].

Obamacare is a case of assumed power, not legitimate law, and regardless of what five misguided justices recently opined, our Constitution clearly forbids the federal government from assuming power from the people.

The ‘Taxing Clause’, Five Lawless Judges, and ObamaCare
